
ABAP Glossary

ABAP Glossary 
Advanced Business Application Language. The SAP programming language for application programming.
ABAP Dictionary
Central information repository for application and system data. The ABAP Dictionary contains data definitions (metadata) that allow you to describe all of the data structures in the system (like tables, views, and data types) in one place. This eliminates redundancy.
ABAP Editor
Tool in the ABAP Workbench in which you enter the source code of ABAP programs and check their syntax. You can also navigate from the ABAP Editor to the other tools in the ABAP Workbench.
ABAP Memory
ABAP Memory is a memory area in the internal session (roll area) of an ABAP program. Data within this area is retained within a sequence of program calls, allowing you to pass data between programs that call one another. It is also possible to pass data between sessions using SAP Memory.
ABAP Objects
The ABAP runtime environment or the object-oriented extension of ABAP. ABAP Objects uses classes to create objects.
ABAP Processor
The ABAP processor executes the processing logic of the application program, and communicates with the database interface.
ABAP Query
Allows you to create simple reports without having to know any ABAP.
ABAP Workbench
The ABAP Workbench is a fully-fledged development environment for applications in the ABAP language. With it, you can create, edit, test, and organize application developments. It contains a range of tools including the Screen Painter, ABAP Editor, and Repository Browser.
Aggregated Data Types
Data types built up of a series of single field types. An aggregated data type can be a structure or an internal table. With aggregated types, you can either access the whole object or individual fields.
Application Logic
Generic term for the parts of application programs that process application-relevant data.
Actual Parameter
When you pass parameters to a procedure, the actual parameters are the parameters that you pass from the program. They are passed to the formal parameters within the routine.

Application Server
The level within the client/server architecture in which application logic runs.
A component of a class in ABAP Objects. Attributes contain the data of a class. They are used by the methods of classes.
Background Processing
Program processing without user dialogs.
Development method that starts with the lowest components in a hierarchy and becomes more generalized as the development project continues. The opposite of top-down.
Business API (BAPI)
Standard interface in the R/3 System that allows the system to communicate with components of other business software suites.
A reference assignment in ABAP Objects. It is checked for correctness at runtime, not in the syntax check.
Template for objects in ABAP Objects. You can define classes either locally in an ABAP program, or globally using the Class Builder in the ABAP Workbench. You can either define a new class from first principles, or derive one using inheritance. Classes can implement interfaces.
Class Builder
ABAP Workbench tool used to create classes and interfaces.
Class Reference
Data type of a reference variable or object reference that allows you to access all of the visible components of an class.
A unit within an R/3 System that is complete in a legal and organizational sense, and which has its own user masters and own tables.
Client Handling
Users working in a particular client are only allowed to use certain transactions, as specified in the administration data for that client. The R/3 System automatically enforces this restriction. When you program database accesses, it is possible to bypass automatic client handling.

Client/Server Architecture
An architecture in which data and applications are distributed over different hosts in order to make the most efficient use of each host’s resources.
An object-oriented collection of tables.
Explanatory notes in the source code of a program that make it easier to understand. This makes subsequent maintenance and support easier. You can make a whole line into a comment by placing a * at the beginning of the line. Alternatively, if you place a " anywhere in a line, the rest of that line becomes a comment.
Company Code
A legally-independent unit within a client that has its own fiscal year end.
A data object declared statically with a declarative statement. They allow you to store data under a particular name within the memory area of a program. The value of a constant must be defined when you declare it. It cannot subsequently be changed.
A file containing several programming units that all have the same type. For example, you can have a container for subroutines.
A technique for avoiding repeated database access or calculations with data in a program. You create contexts using the Context Builder in the ABAP Workbench. They contain key fields, definitions of the relationships between the fields, and other fields that can be derived or calculated using the key field values.
Control Levels
A series of lines in an internal table or extract dataset that forms a group based on the contents of one or more of its fields.
Control Level Processing
Used in an internal table or extract dataset to form groups of entries.
Data Control Language (DCL)
Statements for authorization and consistency checks. Not used in the R/3 System, since the system is itself responsible for checking data.
Data Definition Language (DDL)
Language for defining the attributes of a database management system and creating and administering database tables. It is not contained in Open SQL.

Data Dictionary
See ABAP Dictionary.
Data Manipulation Language (DML)
Statements for reading and changing data in database tables.
Set of data that is part of a database system and is managed by the database management system.
Database Commit
A COMMIT WORK in a relational database system.
Database Logical Unit of Work (LUW)
A logical unit of work is a set of database operations. They belong together, and are either all executed (commit) or all canceled (rollback).
Database Rollback
A ROLLBACK WORK in a relational database system.
Database Cursor
A mechanism for passing data from the database to an ABAP program. An open cursor is linked to a multiple-line selection in the database table for which it was opened. You can place the lines of the selection one by one into a flat target object and process them.
Database Interface
The part of a work process that links it to the database. It converts Open SQL into Standard SQL, and allows the application server to communicate with the database.
Database Server
Host on which the database is installed.
Database Table
Most databases that are used for business applications are based on the relational database model, in which the real world is represented by tables.
Data Element
Describes the business function of a table field. Its technical attributes are based on a domain, and its business function is described by its field labels and documentation.
Data Object
Name for an instance of a data type in ABAP. A data object occupies a field in memory.

Data Type
Describes the technical attributes of a data object. ABAP uses the data type of a field to interpret its contents. There are single field types, aggregated types, and object types.
Declaration Part
Part of every program or procedure. It contains data, selection screen, and class definitions that are visible throughout the program or procedure.
Deep Structure
A structure that contains an internal table as a component.
Deep Tables
An internal table whose line type is a deep structure.
Dialog Module
Statement block that describes the different states (PBO, PAI, user input) of a screen. A module pool contains a set of dialog modules.
Dialog Program
A program that contains (or consists entirely of) dialog modules.
Link between work processes and users. It receives user interaction from the SAPgui, and directs it to a free work process.
Specifies the technical attributes of a data element - its data type, length, possible values, and appearance on the screen. Each data element has an underlying domain. A single domain can be the basis for several data elements. Domains are objects in the ABAP Dictionary.
Double Byte Character Set
Two byte code system for extensive character sets such as Japanese or Chinese.
Elementary Types
There are eight predefined elementary types: Character string (C), numeric string (N), date field (D), time field (T), hexadecimal field (X), integer (I), floating point number (F), and packed number (P). You can use these types as the basis for further types that you create either locally in a program or globally in the ABAP Dictionary.
Property of objects in object-oriented programming. Each object has an external interface. The implementation of the object is encapsulated, that is, invisible externally.

Event Block
A series of statements that are processed when a particular event occurs when a program runs or in selection screen and list processing. Each event block begins with an event keyword, and ends at the introductory keyword of the next event block.
Sequential dataset in the memory area of a program. An extract dataset consists of a sequence of records of a pre-defined structure. However, the structure need not be identical for all records. In one extract dataset, you can store records of different length and structure one after the other.
Area in memory with address and length. Data objects in ABAP occupy fields. The contents of a field are interpreted according to the data type of the relevant data object.
Field Symbol
Placeholder or symbolic name for a field. Field symbols do not occupy any space, but instead point to a data object.
Flat Structure
Structure consisting only of elementary data types.
Flow Logic
See Screen Flow Logic.
Foreign Key
One or more fields in a table that occur as key fields in another table.
Formal Parameter
Placeholder for passing values to a procedure. Formal parameters declare the number and types of the actual parameters that will be passed to the procedure.
Forward Navigation
Forward navigation allows you to access an object by double-clicking its name in the source code of an ABAP program or in an object list.
Function Builder
ABAP Workbench tool used to create, display, modify, and delete function modules and function groups.
Function Group
Program with type F that contains function modules. Created using the Function Builder.
Function Library
Library of existing function modules in the ABAP Workbench.

Function Module
Procedure that can only be created within a type F program, but which can be called from any ABAP program within the R/3 System. You create them using the Function Builder in the ABAP Workbench. A function module has a defined parameter interface.
This is the interface for the R/3 communication protocols (RFC, CPI/C). It can communicate with other application servers in the same R/3 System, with other R/3 Systems, with R/2 Systems, or with non-SAP systems.
Generic Attributes
Attributes that are not fully typed. The missing attributes are specified dynamically at runtime.
Global Data
Data that is visible throughout a program (and also in procedures that it calls).
GUI Status
Each screen has a GUI status. The status is a collection of interactive interface elements that allows the user to select functions. A GUI Status is an independent development object within an ABAP program. You create and edit them using the Menu Painter in the ABAP Workbench.
GUI Title
Title of a screen that appears in the title bar of the window. A GUI title is an independent development object within an ABAP program. You create and edit them using the Menu Painter in the ABAP Workbench.
Hashed Table
An internal table whose entries you can access by specifying the key. The system manages the table using a hash algorithm. The advantage of this is that the search overhead does not increase with the size of the table.
Header Line
Work area for table access. You can place the successive lines of an internal table into the header line and process them.
Include Program
A technique for modularizing the source code. Program with type I. Allows you to reuse code in different programs. The source code of an include program is fully incorporated into the source code of the program in which the include statement occurs.
Index Table
An internal table for which the system maintains a linear index. You can use the index to access entries in the table. There are two kinds of index tables: Standard tables and sorted tables.
A special way of defining a class. You can use an existing class to derive a new class. Derived classes (subclasses) inherit the attributes and methods of the original class (superclass). They may also have new methods, or redefine existing ones.

Part of a class definition in ABAP Objects. You can define interfaces either locally in an ABAP program, or globally using the Class Builder in the ABAP Workbench. Classes can implement interfaces. They then adopt all of the components of the interface. The class must implement all of the methods of the interface itself.
Interface Reference
Data type of a reference variable or object reference that allows you to access all of the visible components of an interface.
Interface Work Area
A special data object that you use to pass data between screens or logical databases and ABAP programs.
Internal Tables
Data object consisting of a set of lines with the same data type. There are different access types for internal tables: Sorted and unsorted index tables, and hashed tables, and also different line types: Vectors, "real" tables, with flat structures, and deep tables. You should use internal tables whenever you need to use structured data within a program.
A technique for linking two or more tables. The tables involved must have at least one common column.
Runtime environment for all R/3 applications. It is independent of hardware, operating system, and database. Has the following functions: Running applications, administration of users and processes, database access, communication with other applications, control and administration of the R/3 System.
Selected fields of a table used to identify table records. A key may be either unique or non-unique.
Lists are output-oriented screens which display formatted, structured data. They are defined, formatted, and filled using ABAP commands. Although they are output-oriented, you can include input fields in a list.
Data object, without a name, that you create in the source code of a program. It is fully defined by its value. You cannot change the value of a literal.
Local Data
Data that is only visible in the current program (including its subroutines) or procedure.
Logical Database Builder
Tool in the ABAP Workbench for creating and editing logical databases.

Logical Database
An ABAP program that retrieves data from various database tables. The dataset covered by a logical database program is sometimes referred to itself as the logical database. The lines of the relevant tables are passed one by one to the program that is using the logical database. You can use a logical database with any number of executable programs.
A technique for modularizing the source code. The DEFINE statement introduces a set of statements that you can then use at any point within a program. Unlike include programs, macros can only be used in the program in which you define them.
Menu Painter
A tool in the ABAP Workbench that allows you to create menus and assign functions to function keys and pushbuttons.
Data that describes other data. Data definitions are metadata. They are stored in the ABAP Dictionary.
A procedure that is a component of a class in ABAP Objects. Methods represent the functions of a class. They work with the attributes. Methods can only be defined in the implementation parts of classes.
Splitting a program into various parts (modules). There are two kinds of modules - those that are included in the source code of the program when it is generated (macros (local) or include programs (global)), and those that are called as independent modules at runtime. These are known as procedures. Modularization makes large programs easier to understand and maintain, and reduces the amount of redundancy.
Module Pool
Type M program containing the dialog modules of the screens in the program.
Native SQL
An access method that uses database-specific statements. Native SQL statements are not interpreted, and are passed to the database without any checks. You should not use Native SQL statements, since they are database-specific (your program will no longer be portable), and ABAP does not check to ensure that the statements are correct.
Nested Structure
A structure that itself contains a structure as a component.
A piece of code containing data (attributes) and providing services (methods). Objects are instances of classes in ABAP Objects.
Object Reference
Object references are used to access the attributes and methods of an object in ABAP Objects. Object references are contained in reference variables.

Object Types
Object types are used to describe objects. They contain both data and functions. Classes and interfaces are both object types. They are part of ABAP Objects.
Open SQL
A set of statements that allows you to access the database from an ABAP program. Open SQL statements are fully portable to any of the database platforms supported by SAP. Open SQL is a subset of Standard SQL (without the DDL part), but also contains SAP-specific extensions.
1. A data object in a program whose value can either be entered by the user at runtime or be passed from another program.
2. A value passed when you call a procedure or program from another program. See also actual parameter and formal parameter.
Parameter Interface
A method by which programs and the procedures that they call can exchange data. When you write subroutines or procedures, you define formal parameters, which define the type, number, and order of the actual parameters that should be passed.
An attribute of objects in object-oriented programming. Identically-named methods behave differently in different classes.
Presentation Server
The host that receives input from the user and presents output from the system.
A modularization technique. Unlike source code modules (macros, include programs), procedures have interfaces for data transfer. ABAP contains the following kinds of procedures:
  • Subroutines: Local modularization (FORM)
  • Function modules Global modularization
  • Methods: Contain the functions of classes and their instances in ABAP Objects.
Process After Input (PAI)
Part of the screen flow logic. PAI processing determines what happens after the user has chosen a function on the screen.
Process Before Output (PBO)
The part of the screen flow logic that determines the processing steps that occur before a screen is displayed.
Processing Block
Any ABAP statement that does not belong to the declaration part, that is, the event blocks, dialog modules, and procedures.

Processing Logic
Processing logic implements the business functions of the R/3 System. It is contained in ABAP programs.
Program Types
  • Type 1 Report, executable program (input data  process data  display data)
  • Type M: Module pool, started using a transaction code.
  • Type F: Function group, container for function modules. Function modules may only be programmed within a function group. You create them using the Function Builder in the ABAP Workbench.
  • Type K: Class definitions, containers for global classes in ABAP Objects. You create them using the Class Builder in the ABAP Workbench.
  • Type J: Interface definitions, containers for global interfaces in ABAP Objects. You create them using the Class Builder in the ABAP Workbench.
  • Type S: Subroutine pools, containers for subroutines. Non-executable.
  • Type I: Include programs. Non-executable.
R/3 Repository
Part of the database containing all development objects of the ABAP Workbench, such as programs, screens, and function modules.
A program in the ABAP runtime environment that catches runtime errors and triggers a short dump.
See object reference.
Reference Variable
Data object that contains an object reference. The data type of a reference variables can be a class reference or an interface reference.
Remote Function Call (RFC)
An interface protocol based on CPI-C that allows programs in different systems to communicate with one another. External applications and tools can use ABAP functions, and the R/3 System can access external systems.
Executable program with a three-stage function: Data input  data processing  data output. Reports read and calculate using data from database tables, without actually changing it.
Repository Browser
A tool in the ABAP Workbench that provides a categorized list of development objects for a development class, program, function group, or class. When you double-click an object in the list, it is opened (along with the correct Workbench tool) for display or editing. Transaction SE80.
See procedure.

Runtime Error
Error that occurs while a program is running, often because the error could not be determined statically by the syntax check.
Runtime Environment
Umbrella term for screen and ABAP processors.
The SAP Graphical User Interface is the frontend of the R/3 System. It allows users to run applications and enter and display data.
A logical unit consisting of dialog steps, whose changes are written to the database in a single database LUW.
SAP Memory
This is a memory area to which all sessions within a SAPgui have access. You can use SAP memory either to pass data from one program to another within a session (as with ABAP memory) or to pass data from one session to another.
SAP Transaction
A dialog-driven program, or any program started using a transaction code.
A screen (also referred to sometimes as a dynamic program or "dynpro") consists of the screen itself and the flow logic, which controls how the screen is processed. You create both the screen and its flow logic in the Screen Painter.
Screen Flow Logic
The screen flow logic consists of PBO and PAI, and controls most user interaction. The R/3 Basis system contains a special language for programming screen flow logic.
Screen Painter
Tool in the ABAP Workbench, used to create screens and their flow logic.
Screen Processor
The screen processor executes the screen flow logic. It takes control of communication between the work process and the SAPgui, calls processing logic modules, and passes the contents of the screen fields back to the program for processing.
Screen Table
Table on a screen, created using the step loop or table control technique.
Screen Type
There are three screen types in the R/3 System: Screens, selection screens, and lists.

Selection Screen
Special screens used to enter values in ABAP programs. Unlike normal screens, they are not defined in the Screen Painter, but using ABAP statements in the program.
Selection View
Selection views are a collection of fields from different database tables. You can create them in the Repository Browser or the Logical Database Builder in the ABAP Workbench.
The R/3 window in the SAPgui represents a session. After logging on, the user can open up to five further sessions (R/3 windows) within the single SAPgui. These behave almost like independent SAPguis.
Shared Memory
The memory area shared by all work processes.
Short Dump
The text that accompanies a runtime error. This should enable you to find and correct the error.
Single Field Type
A data type in ABAP whose data objects occupy a single field. Elementary types and references are single field types.
Sorted Table
An index table that is always stored correctly sorted according to its table key.
SPA/GPA Parameters
Values stored in the user-specific ABAP memory. You create SPA/GPA parameters using the Repository Browser in the ABAP Workbench.
SQL Report
An executable program that does not use a logical database. Instead, it defines its own selection screen, and reads its own data from the database using Open SQL statements.
Standard SQL
A largely standardized language for accessing relational databases. It consists of three parts:
  • Data Manipulation Language (DML)
  • Data Definition Language (DDL)
  • Data Control Language (DCL)
Standard Table
An unsorted index table.

A line of an ABAP program. ABAP contains the following kinds of statements: declarative statements, control statements, call statements, operational statements, database statements, and modularization statements.
A structure is a logically-connected set of fields. It is a data object containing a sequence of any data types. Structures can be flat, deep, or nested.
Structured Query Language (SQL)
Standard language for database access See also Native SQL, Open SQL, Standard SQL.
The resulting class when you use inheritance to derive a class from a superclass.
A special Open SQL selection statement that you can use under certain conditions to form an extra query.
A procedure that you define in a program using the FORM statement, and which you can call any number of times from any ABAP program using the PERFORM statement. When you call the subroutine, you can pass parameters to it. Subroutines are normally used locally, that is, called in the same program in which they are defined.
The class from which a subclass is derived in inheritance.
Text Pool
A set of texts belonging to a program. You address them using text symbols in the source code. The text pool can be translated into other languages.
Text Symbol
A data object that is generated when you start a program from the text pool of the program.
A development method that starts with the highest level of a hierarchy and becomes more specialized as the development project goes on. The opposite of bottom-up.
A set of work steps that belong together. In the context of database changes, the term stands for a change of state in the database. It is also used as an abbreviation of SAP transaction.

Transaction Code
A sequence of letters and digits that starts an SAP transaction when you enter it in the command field. Transaction codes are normally used to start dialog-driven programs. However, you can also use them to start reports. You create transaction codes in the Repository Browser. They are linked to an ABAP program and an initial screen.
Transparent Table
You define transparent tables in the ABAP Dictionary. They are then created in the database. You can also use transparent tables independently of the R/3 System. Cluster techniques are not used, since they cannot be read using Open SQL.
A named data object that you can declare statically using declarative statements, or dynamically while a program is running. They allow you to store changeable data under a particular name within the memory area of a program.
An internal table whose line type is an elementary type.
A virtual table that does not contain any data, but instead provides an application-oriented view of one or more ABAP Dictionary tables.
Work Process (Dialog)
Consists of a screen processor, ABAP processor, and database interface. Part of an application server, it executes the dialog steps of application programs.

SAP Glossary
Here are a few Terms used in SAP. The detailed list can be had in on-line help of SAP.
- A -
Materials Management Automatic Account Assignment (configured with transaction omwb)
Advanced Business Application Programming/4, the Fourth generation programming language developed by SAP to develop application programs. The program can be executed/tested without saving the same.
Account determination
System function that determines automatically the accounts in financial accounting to which the amount(s) in question should be posted for the user during any posting transaction.
Asset Management Module
Application Link Enabling
Application Link Enabling (ALE) supports the creation and operation of distributed applications and application integration is achieved via synchronous and asynchronous communication , not via a central database. Provides business-controlled message exchange with consistent data on loosely linked SAP applications.
Advanced Planner & Optimizer
Tool for creating the graphical models that describe the functionality and integration of the SAP R/3 System.
Available-to-promise is the quantity of a material or part still available to MRP which can be used for new sales orders.
Allowing a person/system/module to have a specified access limitations. An authorization specifies one or more permissible values for each of the authorization fields that are listed in an authorization object.
- B -
Material is issued for use in an order. Automatic posting of a goods issue for these components some time after their actual physical issue is termed as backflush. During confirmation, the goods issue posting of backflushed components is carried out.
Background Processing
To schedule a process to happen without coming onto the screen. Data can be processed in the background while other functions are being carried out in parallel on the screen. Some programs can be schedules to run on week ends at a particular time. This is particularly useful for batch processing, taking back-up of data etc.
Business Application Programming Interface
Batch Input
Interface to facilitate the transfer of large amounts of either old data or external data to an SAP system.
Batch Processing
The procedure to process large volumes of data at once. The processing can not be modified once processing has begun.
Business-To-Business Procurement
Batch Data Communication. Used to define processing mode for a batch input sessions like Displaying all records, Displaying error dialogs, Process sessions in background etc.
Business Information Warehouse
- C -
SAP tool for grouping and automating repetitive business transactions for test runs and text modules.
Change Management
Handling of transformation from one environment to another. This could be changing systems internally from one system to another or moving to a new release from the existing system.
A self-contained unit with separate master records and its own set of tables. Typically a Corporation.
Company Code
The smallest organizational unit for which a complete self-contained set of accounts can be drawn up . Will be able provide data for generating balance sheets, profit-loss statements.
Customer Relationship Management
- D -
The system agent that helps in sending a job to an idle work process by identifying the type of task (ex: update, on-line, batch)
- E -
Each. A unit of measure.
Electronic Data Interchange
SAP Early watch
The EarlyWatch Service has been developed to take note of any problems that may occur and to coordinate R/3 applications within your system, providing you with Optimal system performance. Early recognition of potential problems in R/3 customer systems is crucial to a problem-free installation. The EarlyWatch team of experts locate bottlenecks and potential problem sources and recommends feasible solutions. Constant system tuning helps you to optimise your system resources.
- F -
Financial Accounting Module
Authoring system for developing hypertext books in the R/3 System
Focus On CUStomers
- G -
Goods Issue.
General Ledger
Goods Receipt.
Goods Transfer posting.
Graphical User Interface. Windows like feel and look. User friendly screens to develop and use are provided. The user can simply point the cursor and click the mouse to operate.
- H -
All SAP systems are provided with information , in case the user needs more information. In SAP system , place the cursor on the object where you would like to know more information, and press F1 for more details.
Hot site backup
Identical copy of the Production database on a stand-by database host
Human Resources Module
- I -
International Demonstration and Education System. A sample application provided for faster learning and implementation
Intermediate Document. Data container for data exchange between SAP systems or between a SAP system and a Non-SAP system.
Implementation Guide Hierarchical structure reflecting the R/3 component hierarchy and contains all configuration activities.
An administrative unit that groups together components of an SAP R/3 system or simply an Application server which has its own set of work process.
Invoice Receipt.
Industry Specific Solutions
InterSAP is REAL TIME COMMUNICATIONS WITH R/3 resulting in immediate on-line transaction processing and transaction formats can easily be adapted to evolving requirements.
Internet Transaction Server links R/3 Application server to web servers to communicate with Internet.
- J -
A continuous chain of programs, using control commands.
- L -
Logistics Execution System LIFO
Last in First Out is a valuation procedure according to which the stocks of a material that were last received are the first to be used or sold.
- M -
A tool for finding specific record Mainly used to find possible entries for an input field
Moving Average Price.
Materials Management
Material Management External Services Management
Master Production Scheduling takes care of those parts or products which greatly influence company profits or which take up critical resources.
Material Requirements Planning takes into account and plan every future requirement during the creation of order proposals (independent requirements, dependent requirements etc).
Material’s Valuation Price. The standard price for a standard price material, the moving average price for a moving average price material.
Online Analytical Processing OSS
On-line Service System that helps in users to get fast and effective help from SAP. The user may log-in to OSS system to find a possible solution for a 'bug'. Get the patch ,if any, download and apply to correct the problem.
- P -
Pre-Configured Client. The R/3 Simplification Group’s pre-configured client.
Plant Maintenance
Purchase Order.
Production Planning
Purchase Requisition
Product Requirement Planning
Project System
PLU number
Number under which a price is stored in the POS system of Industry Solution -IS.
- Q -
QM Quality Management
- R -
Remote Function Call. Allows to call and process predefined procedures/functions in a remote SAP system.
Request For Quote
Reversal of goods Issue.
Return Material Authorizations
Reversal of goods Receipt.
Reversal of goods Transfer posting
- S -
Structured Analysis and Design Technique
Sales and Distribution
Electronic mail system in SAPoffice with which you can transmit messages.
The electronic mail system and folder structure in the R/3 System allows you to send documents internally (to other R/3 users in the same system) or externally (to users in other systems).
SAP R/2 was the first compact software package for the whole spectrum of business applications from the SAP corporation. SAP R/2 runs on mainframes, especially IBM, BS2000 (Siemens' machines) or Amdahl.
Modules of SAP R/2
RF Financial Accounting
RA Assets Accounting
RK Cost Accounting
RK-P Projects
RP Human Resources
RM-INST Plant Maintenance
RM-QSS Quality Assurance
RM-MAT Materials Management
RM-PPS Production Planning and Control
RV Sales and Distribution
R/3 is the SAP client-server solution It has proved hugely popular in many countries. The solution is available to many more companies than R/2 as a mainframe is not required.
It consists of the following modules:
BC Basis (includes ABAP/4 Programming Language)
AM Asset Management
CO Controlling
FI Financial Accounting
HR Human Resources
IS Industry Specific Solutions
PM Plant Maintenance
PP Production Planning
PS Project System
QM Quality Management
SD Sales and Distribution
MM Materials Management
WF Business Work Flow
SAP Retail
Includes more than 200 new business processes that have been designed specifically for retail purposes. This is the integral part of R/3 release 4.0.
Software module that acts as part of a firewall system.
SAP-own word processing system. The text editor supplied with the R/3 System for creating and editing documentation.
Supply Chain Optimization Planning & Execution
Structured Entity Relationship Model
Session Log
Record of a batch input sssion run. For each run, a session log is created.
Sales Order
Sales & Operations Planning Sales & Operations Planning (SOP) is a flexible forecasting and planning tool with which sales, production, and other supply chain targets can be set on the basis of historical, existing, and/or estimated future data. Resource planning can also be carried out to determine the amounts of the work center capacities and other resources required to meet these targets.
-U -
Universal Product Code
- W -
Work Breakdown Structure is a model of a project, that represents in a hierarchy the actions and activities to be carried out in a project.
Business Work Flow: Tool for automatic control and execution of cross-application processes. This involves coordinating the persons involved, the work steps required, the data which needs to be processed (business objects). The main advantage is reduction in throughput times and the costs involved in managing business processes. Transparency and quality are enhanced by its use.
 - X -
XXL List Viewer
Tool used to configure Microsoft Excel for display and further processing of R/3 application data. The XXL List Viewer facilitates;
Presentation of R/3 data in Excel, taking into account information delivered by R/3 on the structure of the data
- Y -
Year-end closing
Annual balance sheet and profit and loss (P+L) statement, which must both be created in accordance with the legal requirements. All assets, debts and accrued and deferred items (balance sheet) as well as all revenue and  
 - Z -
Zero Stock Check
Check or inventory procedure used to increase the level of accuracy in stock figures. If a storage bin becomes empty after a goods movement, the bin is checked as to whether it is really empty or not.