
SAP Scripts Question And Answers


1.      The most important areas in the SAP Script text – processing screen are
Format column , input lines for entering text.

2.      The two characters which we should not use while naming a SAP Script are Asterix , Comma.

3.      What is Compare Tool in SAP Script ?
SAP Script offers tools for comparing objects across clients. We can compare or copy the following kinds of objects.
Layout sets
With the Compare tool we can do the following :
Check whether an object exists in both clients
Display the differences between the versions of an object

4.      Layout Sets are used to control page layout and text formatting in documents .

5.      SAP Standard styles and layout sets are always held in Client 000.

6.      In what format does SAP Script store text ?
SAPscript texts are stored in Interchange Text Format (ITF). SAPscript offers conversion programs for the text file formats Rich Text Format (RTF) and ASCII as an interface to other word processors.

7.      The various window types in SAP Script are Main, Variable and Constant.

8.      The New-Page command is used to force a Page break in the text at any point.

9.      Protect ... Endprotect command pairs can be nested (True / False). False.

10.  Delimiter & must be used immediately before and after the symbol.

SAPscript is the SAP System's own text-processing system. SAP script is tightly integrated into the SAP System. You'll therefore be using it for many different text-processing tasks all over the SAP System. Layout sets are used for the page layout of SAPscript documents. If a text is formatted for output to the screen or printer, it must be assigned a layout set. If a layout set has not been assigned to a text, the layout set  SYSTEM, which contains minimal definitions for text formatting, is used  Automatically.

There are two ways of formatting texts using layout sets:
The text is entered and output in standard text maintenance. You can assign any layout set. Text can also be entered via the layout set a letter header, for example. The text is formatted via an ABAP/4 program using a layout set. The program can either dynamically output individual predefined text modules, text elements or transfer entire texts, which are to be output in the layout set.

14. You can use styles to define the formatting of the text in your documents. A style
 determines text formatting by setting the paragraph and character formats used in a
 document. You can, for example, use a style to highlight character strings or whole
 paragraphs. You can assign a style to any text. Typically, however, you’ll use styles
 primarily in the main windows of layout sets, where users type or enter text directly
 in documents.

15.  Header data is found in both style and layout set maintenance.
In style maintenance, it is used primarily to present important information - designed to make it easier for the end user to select a style. The header data in layout set maintenance, on the other hand, is used for information and control purposes.

16. Windows are defined in layout set maintenance. They represent areas which are positioned on pages as page windows and in which text is  later output. At least one window must be defined for each layout set. If not, a text cannot be formatted by SAP script.

17.   The following window types can be used:
-          MAIN – Main window in which continuous text is output. This is the window used by dialog users of a print program and layout set. For example the body text of a letter would be entered in MAIN.
-          VAR – Window with variable contents. The text can vary on each page in which the window is positioned. Variable windows are formatted for each page.
-          CONST – Window with constant contents which is only formatted once.

18. A layout set has the following elements:
Header data - Data related to development (created by, development class, etc.) and layout set information (which elements are used) are both stored in the header data. A start page must be entered here.
Paragraph formats - Paragraph formats are required in layout sets - as in styles - in order to format texts. However, they are also used for word processing in layout sets, for example, to format text elements.
Character formats - You can also use character formats to format texts or paragraphs. Unlike paragraph formats, however, they are used to format text within a paragraph.
Windows - Windows are names and window types, which are not physically positioned until they are allocated to pages and units of measurement are specified.
Pages - Pages are defined to provide the system with a start and end point in text formatting.
Page windows - Page windows are the combination of windows and pages, where the dimensions of a window and its position on a page are specified.

19. The purpose of SAP script control commands is to allow control of the  output formatting. These commands are not interpreted by the SAPscript editor, but are passed through to the SAPscript Composer for processing. The  composer is the program that converts text from the form displayed in the editor to the form used for printing.